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Fond du Lac Dock Spiders' Aiden Jolley at bat

Fond du Lac Dock Spiders' Aiden Jolley at bat

Submitted by Fond du Lac Dock Spiders

Northwoods Fond du Lac Dock Spiders

Dock Spiders Split Series With Duluth, Losing 3-2

FOND DU LAC, WI - The Dock Spiders wrapped up their final game at home before the All-Star break on Friday with a 3-2 loss to Duluth. The loss moved the Dock Spiders' record to 19-32 overall and 6-12 in the second half. The Dock Spiders started the scoring in the first inning, scoring two runs. After loading the bases with one out, a 4-6 fielder's choice from Travis Strickler (Embry-Riddle) brought in Caden Shapiro (Princet... Full Story

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