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Biloxi Shuckers' Lamar Sparks in action

Biloxi Shuckers' Lamar Sparks in action

Submitted by Biloxi Shuckers
Credit: Sierra Gatz

SL Biloxi Shuckers

Shuckers Fall to Biscuits in Debut Game for King Cakes Indentity

BILOXI, MS - In front of over 3,500 fans, the largest Saturday night crowd of the season at Shuckers Ballpark, the Biloxi Shuckers (16-16) fell to the Montgomery Biscuits (17-15), 3-2, in the debut game for the team's King Cakes alternate identity, celebrating the Coast's Mardi Gras history. Despite the loss, Shuckers' outfielder Lamar Sparks tied his season-high with three hits and starter Jacob Misiorowski struck out five ov... Full Story

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