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Fond du Lac Dock Spiders' Amar Tsengeg in action

Fond du Lac Dock Spiders' Amar Tsengeg in action

Submitted by Fond du Lac Dock Spiders

Northwoods Fond du Lac Dock Spiders

Dock Spiders Flocked by Mallards 8-4

FOND DU LAC, WI - The Dock Spiders late inning comeback fell short of the mark as the Mallards took an 8-4 victory on Saturday night. The Mallards struck early on as they scored two runs in the top of the first and the top of the third innings which gave them an early 4-0 lead. Dock Spiders starter JT Hockers (Concordia-Wisconsin) struggled in his second start of the season as he surrendered seven runs on seven hits and tallie... Full Story

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